Columnar Mesophases from Nondiscoid Metallomesogens: Rhodium and Iridium Dicarbonyl Diketonates.

TitleColumnar Mesophases from Nondiscoid Metallomesogens: Rhodium and Iridium Dicarbonyl Diketonates.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsTrzaska, ST, Swager, TM
JournalChemistry of Materials
Keywordscolumnar mesophase rhodium iridium carbonyl diketonate

Nondiscoid Rh and Ir dicarbonyl $\beta$-diketonate complexes organize in columnar liq. crystal phases with hexagonal disordered structures (Colhd). The shape and dipolar attributes of these materials produce highly correlated antiparallel pairwise arrangements. This organization was studied by x-ray diffraction and miscibility studies. The liq. crystallinity is stabilized by decreasing the no. of C atoms in the side chains, and single component room-temp. liq. crystals were developed. The nature of the metal is also important, and Ir mesogens exhibited higher clearing points than the analogous Rh materials. [on SciFinder(R)]
