Regiospecific Copolyanilines from Substituted Oligoanilines: Electrochemical Comparisons with Random Copolyanilines

TitleRegiospecific Copolyanilines from Substituted Oligoanilines: Electrochemical Comparisons with Random Copolyanilines
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsPullen, AE, Swager, TM
Date Publishedfeb
Keywordsconducting polymer regiospecific polyaniline methoxyaniline oligomer, crystal structure methoxyaniline oligomer prepn amination cross coupling, polyaniline methoxyaniline oligomer electropolymn oxidn potential

Regiospecific substituted polyanilines were prepd. via electropolymn. of methoxy-substituted dimeric and trimeric oligoanilines. The oligoaniline monomers were synthesized utilizing Pd-catalyzed aryl amination cross-coupling chem. The single-crystal x-ray structure of one of the oligomers is presented. The oligoaniline monomers were electropolymd. in 1 M H2SO4, and the electrochem. behavior and potential-dependent in situ cond. of the regiospecific polyaniline films was compared to that of random copolymers obtained from solns. of aniline and o-anisidine of the same molar ratio. The regiospecific polyanilines exhibited higher cond., which may be attributed to a more cryst. and regular structure. Differences in the oxidn. potential of the polymers are obsd. depending on the degree of methoxy substitution. [on SciFinder(R)]
